Friday 29 April 2011

Let me tell you, the Devil has his ministers!

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(Thomas Watson, "Dearly Beloved" 1662)

Take heed whom you listen to! It is our dear Savior's counsel, "Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing--but inwardly are ravening wolves!" Matthew 7:15.

Let me tell you, the Devil has his ministers--as well as Christ! There are some, who by the subtlety of their wit, have learned the art of mixing error with truth, and to give poison in a golden cup!

Take heed WHO you hear, and HOW you hear. Be like those noble Bereans, who searched the Scriptures daily, to see whether the things that they taught, were true or not. Acts 17:11.

Your ears must not be like sponges which suck in puddle-water, as well as wine. But your ears must be like a winnowing fan, which fans out the chaff--but retains the pure wheat. You must be like those in the parable, who gathered the good fish--but cast the bad away. Matthew 13:48.

The saints are called virgins for their wisdom--they will not let everyone defile their souls with error! They have both a judicious ear, and a critical palate--which can distinguish between truth and error; and discern a difference between God's pure food, and the devil's cooking!

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