Saturday, 28 October 2017

It cleaves to us like our skin!

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(J.C. Ryle)

"An argument started among the disciples as to which of them would be the greatest." Luke 9:46
Then He said to them: He who is least among you all--he is the greatest." Luke 9:48
As astonishing as it may seem, this little company of fishermen and publicans was not beyond the plague of a self-seeking and prideful spirit. Such is the heart of man. There is something very instructive in this fact. It ought to sink down deeply into the heart of every Christian reader.
Of all sins, there is none against which we have such need to watch and pray, as pride.
It is a pestilence that walks in darkness--and a sickness that destroys at noon-day.

No sin is so deeply rooted in our nature as pride! It cleaves to us like our skin! Its roots never entirely die--they are ready, at any moment, to spring up, and exhibit a most pernicious vitality.
No sin is so senseless and deceitful as pride. It can wear the garb of humility itself. It can lurk in the hearts of the ignorant, the ungifted, and the poor--as well as in the minds of the great, the learned, and the rich. 
Of all creatures, none has so little right to be proud as man--and of all men, none ought to be so humble as the Christian!
Is it really true that we confess ourselves to be "miserable sinners," and daily debtors to mercy and grace? Are we the followers of Jesus, who was "meek and lowly of heart," and "made Himself nothing" for our sakes? Then let that same mind be in us, which was in Christ Jesus. Let us lay aside all proud thoughts and self-conceit. In lowliness of mind, let us esteem others better than ourselves. Let us be ready, on all occasions, to take the lowest place. And let the words of our Savior ring in our ears continually, "He who is least among you all--he is the greatest."
Let a prayer for humility form part of our daily supplications.
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