Sovereign Grace Missionary Baptist
1217 Dillon Texarkana, Texas 75501
June 16, 2013
Newsletter Number 420
1217 Dillon Texarkana, Texas 75501
June 16, 2013
Newsletter Number 420
Brother Randy Johnson, Pastor
Brother Ronnie Henderson, Song Director
Pastor E-Mail: Web Site:
Pastor E-Mail: Web Site:
"Where The Truths Of God’s Word Have Been
Taught For More Than Fifty Years”
You Were Asked To
Pray For:
All of Our Military, Their Family’s & All
the Civilian Workers in The Middle East, Zee Mink Fuller and Family, Her son’s
Bryan Armstrong and Hunter Hackie, Daughter Shannon, and Brother Philip &
Sondra Thornsberry, Junior Baldridge, Frankie Baldridge and daughter, Buckie
Thompson, Frank & Sonya Trusty, Frank & Dawana Reigel, Andrew
Preston, Larry & Martha Mollette, Larry
Mollette II & Family, Kerry Pennington, Kim Poole,
Danny & Nita Mollette, Robert Riggs, Wendell Henderson, Judy Dunn, Martha
Gray, Joshua Kidd, Matthew Kidd, Ronnie Henderson Jr. & Children, Ricky
Henderson and Family, Jacie Henderson, Velma Hammond, Charles, Don Hammond
and Families, Archie & Barbara Griffin, Bro. & Sister Bob Keller,
Mary Ramsey, Donna Johnson, Fay Johnson, James and Luann Reynolds, Timothy
and Nathan Fails, Jacob Ramsey, Jerry Hughes, Sister Nita Bookout, Teresa
Bookout, Pastor G. L. Burr, Melody Carr, Janie Capps, Imajo Tracy, Linda
Hughes, Roy Lemmon, Rosie Tomlin, Lee Mollette’s Daughter &
Granddaughter Kristal, Pat Abercrombie, Barbara Brewer, Donna Jones, Dale and
Linda Trahan, Ricky and Margaret McCoy, Brother David O’Neal, Tommy
Walker and family, Dina Thomas, Brother Kelley and Sister Hinson, Brother
Steve McCool and the work in Canada, Brother Curtis Pugh, Brother Dan
Sullivan and the work in Thailand, Brother Raul and the work in Romania, and
Bro. Sergey Mochalov and the Churches in Russia.
A Thought From Our
"O give thanks unto the LORD; for he is good; for his mercy endureth for ever. (35.) And say ye, Save us, O God of our salvation, and gather us together, and deliver us from the heathen, that we may give thanks to thy holy name, and glory in thy praise." 1 Chronicles 16:34 -35
"O give thanks unto the LORD; for he is good; for his mercy endureth for ever. (35.) And say ye, Save us, O God of our salvation, and gather us together, and deliver us from the heathen, that we may give thanks to thy holy name, and glory in thy praise." 1 Chronicles 16:34 -35
As children of the most high God we are indeed more
blessed that any other of God’s creation. God chose out of the kindness
and mercy of His own heart to save a remnant of His earthly creation and then
He chose to call them not only blessed but also His own sons. God could have
elected angels or others of his creation but He did not, He chose me and all
others that are called believers in Jesus Christ. God has walked us through
life and taken care of our ever need, led us to the well of living water, and
caused us to drink even when we did not want too. Oh, we will not understand
until we are with the most high just how blessed we truly are.
The writer (under the inspiration of the highest
God) has told us to praise God, not only for the kindness He has shown us in
salvation, but also for what He is going to do for us tomorrow and every day
for all eternity. God has promised to deliver us from those that despise and
hate us for being His. God does so many things for us we can never in this
life ever count our blessings! God sent His own Son in the man Christ Jesus,
one that never knew sin, one that could never ever sin, in the likeness of
sinful flesh to give His precious life and to take my sins to the cross with
Him. To shed His blood to bring me into the state of being white as snow. How
precious has our God been to us!
Praise God! This is the conclusion of God word to
us, praise Him, and His blessed loving name above all other names. Oh how we
sometimes if not most times fail in our praise to God. We can praise man over
and over again but the God of grace, love, and mercy we often cannot find
time to praise. We cannot find time for church and the worship of God and His
beloved Son Jesus Christ. Worship of God is found in the Lords churches, and
it is here where we are closest to God. I know that many will disagree and
most certainly those that fail to attend church will disagree, but there is
no other place where true worship is found. Jesus told the woman at the well
"Our fathers worshipped in this mountain; and ye say, that in Jerusalem is the place
where men ought to worship." John 4:20 Why the mountain and Jerusalem? It is because
the mountain top is here Jesus assembled the first church in Mathew 5 and Jerusalem is where the
first church settled. What Jesus was saying is that it is in the churches
where true worship is found. It is there where true praise is found. While
many try to explain to me just how God can be praised and worshiped any where
or any time (and this is so true), worship is most honorable in the Lords
churches. People that God has so graciously given salvation refuse to worship
in the proper place of praise on earth, the Lord church.
They are disappointed, their feeling were hurt, they work, they only have one
day off a week, they may not be happy with the strictness of the church,
whatever the reason for not attending church it is a most wrong excuse. God
is to be praised, and people that fail to worship in a proper church service
is not praising God to the fullest. Jesus created the church as an
institution of praise to God. It is not a place for man to get praise but
God. I will leave you with this thought; Philippians 3:2 - 3 "Beware of
dogs, beware of evil workers, beware of the concision. (3.) For we are the
circumcision, which worship God in the spirit, and rejoice in Christ Jesus,
and have no confidence in the flesh.”
For Our Weekly Meditation:
Free, Sovereign Grace Of God!
"Those He predestined, He also called; and those He called, He also justified; and those He justified, He also glorified." Romans 8:30
"Those He predestined, He also called; and those He called, He also justified; and those He justified, He also glorified." Romans 8:30
The justified sinner stands the closest to God, of
any created being in the universe. Nearer to the throne of the Eternal, he
cannot stand.
What marvelous love!
Who will dare assert that salvation is not, from
first to last—of free, sovereign grace!
Let your eye pierce the veil which falls between
earth and heaven. Behold that shining, worshiping being, standing so near to
the throne of glory, bathed in the overpowering effulgence of its rays!
Who is he?
He was once a sinner upon earth, the vilest of his
race, the dishonored of his generation, forsaken by man—and abhorred of
But Jesus met him, and divine love drew him, and
sovereign grace rescued, pardoned, and saved him! And now washed from all his
guilt by the blood, freed from all condemnation by the righteousness of
Christ—he stands before the throne "blameless, "a "king
and a priest unto God." Such is the great love of Jesus! And all this
grace, and all this glory, and all this bliss—flows from the free,
sovereign grace of God!
By Octavius Winslow
Happy Birthday
Nita Mollette Monday June 17th
Don’t forget the churches Bible Conference is
Friday night and Saturday September 20 – 21. We have six speakers
coming to preach Gods word. Also we hope to be finished with our construction
by that time and will be rejoicing with our visitors the finished product.
Come and see; come and hear the blessing of God.
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