Sunday, 5 March 2017

Morning Devotional March 5, 2017

Psalm 124:8

Our help is in the name of the Lord, who made heaven and earth.”

Praise the Lord He is our hope and our help. No one or nothing in this old sinful world can give us true help in this life. As the children of God we must rely on Him who is our Heavenly Father. Fore it was our Lord who created heaven and earth and everything therein.
Yet in our sin we turn our backs on Him who is our salvation and try every imaginable thing we can to help ourselves. O what a sad shape we are. O what disobedient children we are.
Child of God, as we enter another new week, I encourage you to turn to Lord, to lay all your burdens at His feet and trust Him for our help in time of trials. Praise His name!!! Stay in pray continually!!! Sing praises to Him!!!
Praise the Lord for His never ending love for us His children!!!

Praise ye the Lord!!!

Stephen McCool Sr.

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