(Edward Payson, 1783-1827)
I look up to Heaven and there see the blessed and only Potentate, the Creator and Upholder of all things, the infinite and eternal Sovereign of the universe--governing His vast kingdom with uncontrollable power, in a manner perfectly wise and holy and just and good. In this Being, I see my Creator, my Preserver, my unwearied Benefactor--to whom I am indebted for everything which I possess.
And what does this Being see--what has He seen, in me? He sees a frail worm of the dust, who is of yesterday and knows nothing, who cannot take a single step without making mistakes, who is wholly incompetent to guide himself, and who, by his own folly, is self-destroyed. He has seen this frail, blind, erring worm, presumptuously daring to criticize and censure His proceedings, attempting to interfere in His government of the universe; and trying to set up his own perverse will against the will of his Creator, his Sovereign, and his God; his own ignorance--against divine omniscience, and his own folly--against infinite wisdom.
Should an angel who knew nothing of our characters, but who had heard of the blessings which God has bestowed on us, visit this world--would he not expect to find every part of it resounding with the praises of God and His love? Would he not expect to hear old and young, parents and children--all blessing God for the glad tidings of the gospel?
How, then, would he be grieved and disappointed! How astonished would he be to find that Being whom he had ever heard praised in the most rapturous strains by all the bright armies of Heaven--slighted, disobeyed, and dishonored by His creatures on earth!
O, then, let us strive to wipe away this foul stain--this disgrace to our race and our world.
Let not this world be the only place, except Hell--where God is not praised.
Let us not be the only creatures, except devils--who refuse to praise Him!
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