Saturday, 21 January 2017

The false doctrine of universal redemption!

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Charles Spurgeon)

"I am the Good Shepherd. The Good Shepherd gives His life for the sheep!" John
I would like to die talking of this blessed doctrine of substitutionary atonement and I intend, by divine grace, to live proclaiming it, for it is the keystone of the Gospel! Jesus Christ literally took upon Himself the transgression and iniquity of His people, and was made a curse for them, seeing that they had fallen under the wrath of God! For them, He has taken away the penalty and the curse due to sin.

The false doctrine of universal redemption--that Christ died for the damned in Hell and suffered the torment of those who afterwards are tormented forever--seems to me to be detestable, subversive of the whole Gospel, and destructive of the only pillar upon which our hopes can be built!

Christ stood in the place of His elect--for them He made a full atonement--for them He so suffered that not a sin of theirs shall ever be laid at their door. As the Father's love embraced them--so the death of His Son reconciled them.

We hold most firmly the doctrine of particular redemption--that Christ loved His Church, and gave Himself for it.

The only limit of the atonement is in its design--and that design was that Christ should give eternal life to as many as the Father has given Him.

"Christ also loved the church, and gave Himself for her!" Ephesians 5:25
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