Sunday, 16 July 2017

O eternity!

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(James Smith
, "The Way of Salvation Set Forth")

They will go away to eternal punishment--but the righteous to eternal life!" Matthew 25:46

The soul is immortal--it can never cease to be. It is destined by the immutable decree of God, to exist eternally.

O eternity! Who can conceive your dimensions!

Forever! Who can grasp the mighty idea!

To exist forever--solemn consideration!

Millions of ages as numerous . . .
  as the stars in the skies,
  as the sands on the seashore,
  as blades of grass on the surface of the globe,
  as leaves which fall from the trees in autumn
--are as nothing in comparison with eternity!

But where shall we exist? How will eternity be spent by us? In happiness--or in torment?

That will entirely depend upon the character, the state, the condition--in which we live and die. If we live in sin, if we serve self and Satan, if we die accursed--then we must suffer the due desert of our deeds in eternal Hell. But if we believe in Jesus, if we live unto God, if we die under His blessing--then we shall possess and enjoy glory, honor and eternal life in Heaven--and these forever!

Let the solemn fact that you are immortal, deeply impress your mind. Try to realize the overwhelming thought, "I must live forever! I must live forever in unspeakable happiness--or inconceivable misery! My eternal state depends on my present state. If I live unconverted, then I must die accursed--I am lost, and once lost, lost forever!"

O eternity! Tremendous sound! Incomprehensible idea!

"So teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom." Psalm 90:12
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