Monday, 1 October 2012

The sum total of my experience is:

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The following is an excerpt from the diary of James Smith)

March 27, 1861.
Jesus is precious--very precious, to my soul. I love Him, rest in Him, preach Him, and wish that I could exalt Him a thousand times higher than I do!

The sum total of my experience is:
I am nothing--but Christ is all! I am sin--and Christ is my salvation.

No one ever needed Jesus more, no one will be under greater obligations to Him, than I am. I am never so happy as when I am alone, thinking of Him, reading of Him, or writing about Him--unless it be sometimes, when I am preaching about Him, assisted by His ever blessed Spirit.

Jesus is mine--and I am His. I think I may go even further than this, and say as the spouse did, "I am my Beloved's--and His desire is toward me." O to honor His dear name more! O to glorify Him on earth, until He glorifies me with Himself, in Heaven! Anything for Jesus! Anywhere with Jesus! Thus my soul cries,
"Do not I love you, dearest Lord,
Behold my heart and see;
And turn each cursed idol out,
That dares to rival Thee!"
~ ~ ~ ~ ~

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