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(James Smith, "Christ Exalted, Saints Comforted, and Sinners Directed" 1855)
If we look at the OFFICES of Christ--it endears Him to our hearts.
He is a PROPHET, to . . .
instruct the ignorant,
lead the blind, and
make the foolish, wise.
He . . .
unfolds the Father's mind,
opens the everlasting covenant,
and teaches all His people to profit.
He is a PRIEST, to . . .
atone for the guilty,
reconcile those who are enemies, and
intercede on behalf of transgressors.
He . . .
satisfies justice,
magnifies mercy, and
brings a holy God and polluted sinners into an honorable union.
He is a KING, and as such He . . .
receives the discontented,
rules over innumerable penitent criminals,
and defends all His subjects from danger.
His power is omnipotent,
His resources are boundless,
His government is peaceful, and
all the statutes of His kingdom are wise, merciful, and just.
He is also our husband--who loves, cherishes, and honors His beloved blood-bought bride. He . . .
loves her as He loves Himself,
treats her with unutterable kindness, and
will allow nothing to separate her from His love.
This causes us to sing:
"Jesus my Shepherd, Husband, Friend,
My Prophet, Priest, and King,
My Lord, my life, my way, my end,
Accept the praise I bring!"
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