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(James Buchanan, "The Office and Work of the Holy
Spirit" 1842)
"I am now going away to Him who sent Me . . . Because I
have said these things to you, sorrow has filled your heart." John 16:5-6
It is no wonder that they were so dejected in the prospect
of losing the personal presence of Him who was . . .
their kindest
their unwearied benefactor,
their patient
teacher--whose . . .
wisdom was their guide,
power was their defense,
sympathy was their consolation,
approval their was reward, and
salvation was their highest hope.
They were attached to Him as a personal Friend--by the strongest
ties of gratitude, and admiration, and love.
They had long associated with Him on terms of most endearing
They had often looked with delight on His compassionate
countenance, 'full of grace and truth'.
They had listened to his public preaching and His private
conversation, when 'He spoke as never any man spoke'.
They had witnessed His miracles of mercy, and His life of
unwearied beneficence, 'when He went about continually doing good'.
They had themselves received at His hands every benefit
which divine love, combined with the most perfect human kindness, could bestow.
And can we deem it astonishing, if the thought of parting
with such a Friend, whose appearance, and voice, and person were entwined with
their fondest affections--filled their hearts with especial sadness?
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