Sunday, 12 November 2017

Lest we awake to find that we are paupers forevermore!

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"Only one thing is needed. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her." Luke 10:41-42
We should observe what a high commendation our Lord Jesus Christ pronounced on Mary's choice. There was a deep meaning in these words. They were spoken not only for Mary's sake, but for the sake of all Christ's believing people in every part of the world. They were meant to encourage all true Christians . . .
  to be single-eyed and whole-hearted,
  to follow the Lord fully,
  to walk closely with God,
  to make soul-business immeasurably their first business, and
  to think comparatively little of the things of this fleeting world.
The true Christian's portion is the grace of God. It is the only good thing which is substantial, satisfying, real, and lasting. The grace of God is . . .
  better in sickness--and better in health,
  better in youth--and better in old age,
  better in adversity--and better in prosperity,
  better in life--and better in death,
  better in time--and better in eternity.
No circumstance and no position can be imagined, in which it is not better for man to have the grace of God.
The true Christian's possession shall never be taken from him.
He alone, of all mankind, shall never be stripped of his inheritance.
Kings must one day leave their palaces.
Rich men must one day leave their money and lands--they only hold them until they die.
But the poorest saint on earth has a treasure of which he will never be deprived. The grace of God, and the favor of Christ--are riches which no man can take from him. They will go with him to the grave when he dies. They will rise with him in the resurrection morning, and be his to all eternity!
What do we know of this "better part" which Mary chose? Have we chosen it for ourselves? Can we say with truth that it is ours? Let us never rest until we can. Let us choose life, while Christ offers it to us without money and without price. Let us seek treasure in Heaven--lest we awake to find that we are paupers forevermore!

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