Saturday, 12 May 2012

Brother Wiegold's report

           The Wiegolds
Missionaries to Australia

Sent out by Ella Grove Baptist Church Glennville GA
Pastor Dwight Brooks
912-492-9595 cell

March/April 2012

Dear Brethren and Supporters,

            I have heard it said that if you want to make God laugh, tell him your plans.  Well, I believe that as we set out on our plans for March /April of 2012, that God may have had a wry smile on His face.
            It has been an ongoing ‘blurr’ for us as we moved from California to Georgia to work with Ella Grove, and it has been difficult for us in making the transition, because our move here is not a permanent one.
            We have been trying to settle in, while at the same time, unpacking, and re-packing for the upcoming move to Australia (we are developing a ‘phobia’ against boxes).
            On March 10th 2012, Ps. Brooks and I set out on our ‘survey trip’ to Sydney, Australia, and it didn’t take long for our first glitch to appear.  We were flying with very low cost “buddy passes” (stand-by), courtesy of a dear Pastor friend.  It was the start of Spring break, and there was also “March Madness” basketball mayhem taking place, so subsequently with ‘everybody and their dog’ flying somewhere, we ended up being stranded in Atlanta for three days.  It is a lot more involved than just these facts, but not pertinent to elaborate on in this report.
            We finally arrived in Sydney, but our luggage did not.  It came the next day, so that wasn’t too bad.  We stayed in an apartment on the fringe of the city of Sydney, courtesy of my dear friend and Brother, David Selke, and we made that our base for the bulk of our stay.  Our priority was to travel to the South Coast to an area where we felt that the Lord may be leading us to start a work.  There is such a need for good sound doctrinal churches, that the scope for an area to try to start a work is virtually boundless.
We spent a few days in the general area, looking at buildings, ‘denominations’ that were already established there (mainly Catholic and Anglican), real estate and so forth, and at the end of it all, we were both fairly perplexed, but honest enough to admit to each other that we did not feel  ‘leading’ of any substance to a particular area.
            After a time, we both felt a confidence and a peace that we would be coming back to start a work somewhere, as the need was evident wherever we went.  Ps. Brooks stated that it seemed to be evident to him that the area where we used to live, seemed to be presenting itself as a definite need and opportunity for a good  ‘kick-start’ to a work.
            We were convinced, more than ever, that our ‘survey trip’ was indeed necessary, and not at all in vain. We do not take lightly the expense, sacrifice, and logistics involved in such a journey and process, not to mention the physical strain from such a hectic schedule, but we do want to ensure that we are, to the best of our knowledge, in the Lord’s will, not ahead of it, and definitely, not out of it.
            We had some incredible opportunities to witness to my friends and families (mine and Karen’s), and we had some quality Bible study time with some of those folks, and we also made several visits to Karen’s brother Wayne, who was in the hospital at that time, and still is as I write this report.  When it came time for Sunday services, we had tried to set up something of our own with some friends, but that did not transpire.
            On Saturday evening just before retiring for the night, Bro. Dwight and I discussed our options for Sunday worship, and we both agreed that while we felt that two preachers should be able to conduct a ‘decent’ worship service together, that we would rather attend services at Faith Missionary Baptist Church, in Cobbitty, about an hour Southwest from where we were staying.
            Before we left the States, I wasn’t even sure if this church was still operating, and I asked our daughter Karly, who I knew had some contact with folks from that church, and they assured her that they were still going, and that we were welcome for services.
 We slipped in quietly, and were warmly welcomed, and blessed by excellent Gospel messages from Bro. Frank James.
            They have morning service at 11am, a break for refreshments, and then another service following.
It was during the break in services that we explained to the folks there that Ella Grove had called me as their Missionary, and had asked us to consider coming back to Australia to start a work, and that we were there on a survey trip to ascertain where we felt the Lord was leading.  They were very supportive and encouraging, and were pleased when we said we would definitely be returning for services the following Sunday.  We were both really blessed and refreshed by services that day.
            Bro. Dwight and I both reflected on the fact that if our plans would have stayed on track, we would have been leaving on the Saturday, before their next services, but because we were delayed three days leaving Atlanta, we delayed our departure date three days, thereby giving us another opportunity for more spiritual feeding and fellowship with FMBC.
            On Sunday evening, I emailed the Jacksons, members of FMBC (as they were the only contact we had) to express our appreciation for their warm fellowship, and to let them know that we were blessed by being in services with them that day.  The following evening, Monday, I received an email from the Jacksons asking if I would contact them by phone.  I called and spoke to Bro. David Jackson, and he told me that after we had left services on Sunday, ‘they’ met to discuss the situation concerning me, and that ‘they’ felt that it was the Lord presenting them with an opportunity they did not want to pass up.  Firstly, I asked him what he meant by ‘they’ and that if Bro. Frank knew about them meeting.  He told me that Bro. Frank was present, and that indeed, the meeting was at his suggestion, and also that they were all in agreement.  Secondly, I asked him if he was talking about a call as Pastor, and he said “yes”.  I told him that I was humbled by this, and that the first thing I needed to do, was to discuss this with my Pastor.
I discussed this development with Bro. Dwight, and we agreed that we needed to speak with Bro. Frank James, as although he is not their Pastor, he is their spiritual leader at this time.  We informed the church members that we would be meeting with Bro. James.
            We then met with Bro. James and his wife, having some very lengthy discussions, and a great time of fellowship.  Subsequently we agreed for Bro. Dwight and I to preach for them the following Sunday, and that after services I would make myself available for questioning by the church and Bro. James, in view of a call as Pastor of FMBC.  Bro. Frank explained to us that his position was that he had agreed to  stay with FMBC temporarily until they could find a Pastor, and that he had a burden to move on and  start a work in Western Australia.
            This development really made our ‘heads spin’, as it took us both completely by surprise, but with much prayer and reflection, we too, felt that the Lord’s hand was upon it.
            I have had a ‘peripheral involvement’ with this work from its inception, and have preached for them before, never imagining for a second that the Lord would lead it to this. Through a series of trials and attacks by Satan, a small number have remained faithful to the truth, especially embracing Sovereign Grace and Church Truth, and they are eager to continue to have these truths preached in their congregation, and in their community.
            As we flew out of Sydney, we left it all with the Lord, and told FMBC that we would be in fervent prayer, and that we would wait to hear from them.
            Upon our return, it was Ps. Brooks suggestion that we stay with our original plans as far as me heading out on deputation, while continuing to pray about where we would seek to start the work in Australia, as we both had a reinforced confidence and a peace that the Lord’s will was indeed for us to return there for His work.
            We were only back from Australia a few days and then we both travelled to Beverly Manor Baptist Church in Washington, Illinois, where we had been invited by Pastor Mike McCoskey to preach at their annual conference.
            Although we still hadn’t fully recovered from our trip to Australia (over 18hrs flying time from Sydney to Atlanta), it was a great opportunity to meet some new preachers, present the work, and seek  support from churches that we may not have been able to visit individually.
            We were given several invitations to visit churches and present the work in view of support, and we are at present, in the process of formulating a deputation trip to visit both ‘new’ churches, and also churches that already support us to reinforce our commitment, and bring them up to speed on the latest developments that the Lord has seen fit to present to us.  Overall, we were well pleased with a very positive response to all enquiries, and the answers we gave to them, and although deputation is extremely physically demanding and tiring, we are excited, and looking forward to working together with those that share the burden of carrying out the Great Commission with us and Ella Grove.
            On Sunday, April 8th 2012, I received an email from FMBC stating that at a meeting of their members, they had voted unanimously to issue a call for me to be their Pastor.  I informed my Pastor of this development, and replied to FMBC that I was truly humbled, and that we would be in fervent prayer to seek the Lord’s will in this matter.
            At a subsequent meeting of Ella Grove’s  Mission committee, when presented with these facts by the Pastor, the men were very positive, very supportive and encouraging to me personally, viewing this development as an opportunity from the Lord for us to continue to work together to bring honor and glory to His Name.   One of the men even stated that after not having their own Missionary for a hundred years, it was the greatest result that any church could have hoped for, after only one ‘missionary journey’.
            On Sunday, April 22nd 2012, Pastor Dwight Brooks preached a message from Matthew 15:21-28, concerning the woman that came to the Lord to heal her daughter.  The message touched my heart, and made me realize that it is all about the Lord Jesus Christ, and that our faith and trust is in Him, and Him alone.  After the message, quietly, and without any fuss, or speaking to anyone, I moved forward to the altar, where I ‘fell on my face’ and surrendered to the call that the Lord had given me to become Pastor of FMBC.  Much, much, fervent prayer and counsel, watered with tears, had gone into the struggle that ended at the altar on my face that Sunday.
            After informing my Pastor the next day, I contacted FMBC to inform them of my acceptance to the call, and they responded with great joy and excitement, and thanksgiving to God.
            We certainly do have mixed emotions right now, as we have grown to honestly love our church family here at Ella Grove, and Karen and I have discussed how incredibly difficult it will be to leave here when that time comes, but we also know that we will savor every moment that we have together while we are still here.  We have truly fallen in love with Georgia, our home in the Pecan orchard, and our church (but not the GNATS), and since arriving here we have been showered with love, affection and encouragement by the dear Brethren here at Ella Grove.
            We are so pleased and thankful that the Lord has used this church to bring about His will in our lives, and we know that He will abundantly bless them for their faithfulness, and willingness by prayer in seeking His will in all situations presented to them, and we are thankful that the expression has been that we will still have support from Ella Grove.
            We pray that those that have continued to support us, and Ella Grove’s efforts, will rejoice, as we have, at these latest developments that the Lord has blessed us with, and continue with us in excitement and in prayer, seeking only to serve Him more fully, and to glorify His name in everything we do.
            At this time we are still in need  of additional financial support from other churches, at least until FMBC can become self supportive, as the membership right now is made up of five members, with regular non-member visitors. We also are all agreed that very little has changed from our initial endeavors in going out from Ella Grove to start churches in Australia.  
            Our goal would still be to continue to carry out mission work, and that FMBC will be a solid and established base for this effort. This point is clear and understood by both Ella Grove and FMBC.
The members of FMBC have stated that they are excited and looking forward to renewing efforts in reaching out to surrounding areas in an effort for us to build up within, so that we may reach those without.
            On the home front, we ask that you would pray for Karen, as we had a ride in the ambulance to the emergency room in the early hours of the morning last Tuesday. She was diagnosed with gallstones, and is being monitored by our ‘church doctor’.
            At the moment it is not deemed necessary to have her gall bladder removed, and we are praying that a dietary adjustment will see her through this.
Please contact us should you have any questions, and please keep us, Pastor Dwight Brooks, and Ella Grove in your prayers.

In His Service
Elder Gordon Wiegold
Missionary-Ella Grove Baptist Church
Glennville, Georgia 

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