Friday, 5 August 2016

He died--and where then?

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      (Thomas Doolittle, "Love to Christ Necessary to Escape the Curse at His Coming!" 1693)

"If any man does not love the Lord Jesus Christ--let him be Anathema! (or accursed)." 1 Corinthians 16:22

Must they be cursed who do not love Christ? Then know that worldly prosperity may co-exist with the curse of God. A man might prospering in this world--and cursed in the world to come!

Do you see many whose lives declare they have no sincere love to Christ in their hearts--thrive and abound in outward enjoyments?
They do not love Christ--and yet are strong and healthy!
They do not love Christ--and yet are rich!
They do not love Christ--and yet are honored!

What then? Might not a man in health--and yet be a cursed man? Nay, the more strength he has, the more able he is to serve the devil--and so his strength is a curse unto him. The more worldly trinkets a man has to love--the more he enjoys of the world--and the more he loves it. And so his enjoyments are a curse unto him, when they keep him from placing his love upon Jesus Christ.

God threatens to curse wicked men's blessings: "I will send a curse upon you, and I will curse your blessings. Yes, I have already cursed them!" Malachi 2:2

Many are apt to call the proud--happy, "But now we call the arrogant, blessed. Certainly the evildoers prosper, and even those who challenge God escape!" Malachi 3:15. The rich, though evil--are thought by many to be blessed. This is a great mistake! All men can see their outward blessings--but they have no eyes to behold the inward curses which lie under those outward blessings.
Is it not a curse to have riches--without saving grace?
Is it not a curse to have our portion and blessings--all in this life?
Is it not a curse to prosper in the world--and to be every moment in danger of falling into Hell?
Do you look upon it to be happiness--to have all for the body, and nothing for the soul? to have much of earth--and nothing of Heaven?

You read of some who "have their portion in this life"--and you read that their portion on earth is a cursed portion! It was so with the rich man spoken of in the gospel--who while on earth had his purple robes, and fine linen, and sumptuous costly dishes every day!

Oh, happy man! But wait until you hear the end. He died--and where then? To Hell! Where is now your happy man? What is his condition there? What! There he finds more pain--than all the fleeting pleasures he had while on earth! There he feels more torment and terror--than he had pleasure and delight all his days on earth! "Abraham said: Son, remember that in your life-time you received your good things, and likewise Lazarus evil things; but now he is comforted, and you are tormented!" Luke 16:25
Remember that your pleasures were short and sweet--but Hell is long and bitter!
Remember that Lazarus is now blessed--and you are now cursed!
Remember that he is eternally happy--and you are eternally miserable!

Behold the change! The world's blessed man--is now God's cursed man! And he who was the miserable man in the esteem of the world--is now the blessed man!

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