Wednesday, 29 February 2012

You shall see greater abominations than these!

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James Smith, "Daily Bible Readings for the Lord's Household")

"You shall see greater abominations than these!" Ezekiel 8:15

The prophet had no idea of the extent of Israel's wickedness; nor have we any adequate idea of the depravity of our hearts! We may have discovered much--but there is more concealed, than has yet been revealed. The work of the Holy Spirit is to . . .
reveal these abominations to us,
to humble us on account of them,
to lead us to the blood of Jesus to be cleansed from them,
and to set our hearts against them.

To see all the evils that are in our heart at once--would plunge us into black despair! Therefore it is only little by little, that the great depth of depravity is opened up to us. Herein we see God's mercy. Hereby we should be kept humble, watchful, prayerful, and daily exercising faith in the precious blood of the Lord Jesus.

No one knows the depths of our depravity, or the variety of abominations that are in our hearts--but God! If any other person knew the abominations of our heart--he would hate us on account of it! But God knows all--and yet loves us! This is Godlike. This is being full of compassion, abundant in goodness, and plenteous in mercy. May we be humble before God, hoping in His mercy.

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