Saturday, 8 April 2017

Look! Gaze! See! Behold!

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The doctrine of the death of Christ for our sins, should inspire us with greater love for the Lord Jesus.
Can you look at His dear wounds--and not be wounded with love for Him?
Are not His wounds as mouths which plead with you to yield Him all your heart?
Can you gaze upon His face bedewed with bloody sweat--and then go away and be ensnared with the world's painted beauties?
Oh, for the vision of the Crucified!
When shall we see the face that was so marred for us?
When shall we behold the hands and feet which bear the nail-marks still--and look into the wounded side bejeweled with the spear-wound?
Oh, when shall we leave all our sins and griefs--forever to behold Him?
Our hope, our solace, our glory, our victory--are all found in the blood of the Lamb, to whom be glory for ever and ever! Amen.
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