Wednesday, 16 March 2016

A fool finds pleasure in evil conduct!

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    (George Lawson, "A Practical Exposition of the Book of Proverbs" 1821)

"A fool finds pleasure in evil conduct--but a man of understanding delights in wisdom." Proverbs 10:23
"A fool finds pleasure in evil conduct!" That man has arrived at an advanced stage of folly, who takes as much pleasure in evil conduct, as if it were an agreeable amusement. But it would be far safer to sport with fire, than with sin--which kindles a fire that will burn to the lowest Hell! It may now be a sport to do evil--but in the lake of fire and brimstone, it will be no sport to have done it!

"But a man of understanding delights in wisdom." And therefore it is impossible that he should be so infatuated with sin. He is deeply sensible of the misery and ruin that is in sin. His delight is in holiness--and in the exercises of holiness, he experiences that heartfelt pleasure, which the sweetest sins could never afford!
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