Monday, 14 December 2015

These petty troubles and vexations!

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(George Everard, "Little Foxes, and How to Catch Them!" 1878)
We must see our heavenly Father's hand in our lesser trials and cares, as much as in the greater ones.
David recognized the hand of God, in Absalom rising against him in rebellion--but he saw it no less in Shimei throwing stones and dust and casting bitter words at him.
Just so, let us see God's hand in everything. These petty troubles and vexations are a part of our schooling for Heaven. They are just as much sent from above, as the fierce storm that wrecks our home and leaves us desolate in a cold world. They all come . . .
  to prove us,
  to humble us,
  to draw out the grace which God has given us,
  to break the tie that binds us too closely to earth,
  to knit the tie that draws us nearer to Heaven.
Let us ever fix this in our minds. Let us say to ourselves,
"My Father has sent this trial!
 Not a sparrow falls to the ground without Him.
 The very hairs of my head are numbered by Him.
 So I will trust His heart, where I cannot trace His hand.
 He is too wise to be mistaken--and too good to be unkind!"
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