archers have sorely grieved him, and shot at him, and hated him: But his bow
abode in strength, and the arms of his hands were made strong by the hands of
the mighty God of Jacob; (from thence is the shepherd, the stone of Israel).” Genesis 49:23,24
Further Reading: Acts 4:1-12
stone which the builders refused is become the headstone of the corner.” It is
said that when Solomon’s temple was being built, all the stones were brought
from the quarry ready cut and fashioned, and there was marked on all the blocks
the places where they were to be put. Amongst the stones was a very curious
one; it seemed of no describable shape, it appeared unfit for any portion of
the building. They tried it at this wall, but it would not fit; they tried it
in another, but it could not be accommodated; so, vexed and angry, they threw
it away. The temple was so many years building, that this stone became covered
with moss, and grass grew around it. Everybody passing by laughed at the stone;
they said Solomon was wise, and doubtless all the other stones were right; but
as for that block, they might as well send it back to the quarry, for they were
quite sure it was meant for nothing. Year after year rolled on, and the poor
stone was still despised, the builders constantly refused it. The eventful day
came when the temple was to be finished and opened, and the multitude was
assembled to see the grand sight. The builders said, “Where is the top-stone?
Where is the pinnacle?” they little thought where the crowning marble was,
until some one said, “Perhaps that stone which the builders refused is meant to
be the top-stone.” They then took it, and hoisted it to the top of the house;
and as it reached the summit, they found it well adapted to the place. Loud
hosannas made the heavens ring, as the stone which the builders refused became
the headstone of the corner. So is it with Christ Jesus.
meditation: To
begin with, man saw to it that the first shall be last; in the end God saw to
it that the last shall be first. Where do you place the Lord Jesus Christ?
no. 17
2 April (Preached 1 April 1855)
2 April (Preached 1 April 1855)
C.H. Spurgeon
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