Monday, 10 September 2012

Sovereign Grace Missionary BaptistChurch
1217 Dillon  Texarkana, Texas  75501
  September 09, 2012          
   Newsletter Number 383

Brother Randy Johnson, Pastor                     Brother Ronnie Henderson, Song Director
  Pastor E-Mail:          Web Site:

"Where The Truths Of God’s Word Have Been  Taught For More Than Fifty Years”

You Were Asked To  Pray For:

All of Our Military, Their Family’s & All  the Civilian Workers in The Middle East, Zee Mink Fuller and Family, Her  son’s Bryan Armstrong and Hunter Hackie, Daughter Shannon, and Brother  Philip & Sondra Thornsberry, Frank & Sonya Trusty,  Frank &  Dawana Reigel, Andrew Preston, Larry Mollette,  Larry Mollette II & Family,  Kerry Pennington, Kim Poole, Danny & Nita Mollette, Deloris Davis and family, Wendell  Henderson, Judy Dunn, Martha Gray, Joshua Kidd, Matthew Kidd, Dina McCray,  Ronnie Henderson Jr. & Children, Ricky Henderson and Family, Jacie  Henderson,  Bro. & Mrs. Hammond, Charles Hammond, Archie & Barbara  Griffin, Bro. & Sister Bob Keller, Mary Ramsey, Donna Johnson, Fay  Johnson, James and Luann Reynolds, Timothy and Nathan Fails, Jacob Ramsey, Jerry  Hughes, Sister Nita Bookout,  Pastor G. L. Burr, Melody Carr, Janie Capps, Imajo  Tracy, Linda Hughes, Roy Lemmon, Rosie Tomlin, Lee Mollette’s Daughter  & Granddaughter Kristal, Dale Barnes – Kathy Johnson and their  mother, Tammy Hairston, Tommy Lee Walker, Pat and Waymon Abercrombie, Barbara  Brewer, Donna Jones,  Frank Roberts, Dale and Linda Trahan, Linda Mollette – Shawn and girls, Ricky and  Margaret McCoy,  Brother Curtis Pugh, Brother Dan Sullivan and the work inThailand, Brother Raul and the  work in Romania,  and Bro. Sergey Mochalov and the Churches in Russia.

The Pastors  Corner:

Fellowshipping  With God!

1 John 1:6 - 7 "If  we say that we have fellowship with him, and walk in darkness, we lie, and do  not the truth: (7.) But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we  have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son  cleanseth us from all sin."

I am always amazed when people explain to me how  their fellowship is sweet with God; but they never go to church. God said  “if we walk in the light” and I believe belonging to and  attending a New Testament church is walking with God. The church is the only  earthly institution in which Jesus Christ is truly worshiped and blessed.  Jesus started the local church during His earthly ministry for this reason.  So this is what I conclude; those who believe they walk in fellowship with  God and don’t attend church “we lie” to ourselves and to  God. Now truly one does not walk in darkness if they are saved and does not  attend church but being in fellowship with God they are not. If one that is  saved fails to walk in light then they are walking in darkness. Proverbs 2:13  “Who leave the paths of uprightness, to walk in the ways of darkness;”  Sometimes people want to brainwash themselves that they are in good  fellowship with God when they are truly not. Folk’ walking with God is  to truly walk with Him and that walk begins with attending church. 

A Thought For The  Week:

“We  Are Well Able To Overcome”
“And  Caleb stilled the people before Moses, and said, Let us go up at once, and  possess it; for we are well able to overcome it. But the men that went up  with him said, We be not able to go up against the people; for they are stronger than we.” (Num.  13:30-31)

Far too many churches are failing, falling apart,  and closing their doors, which is to our shame! Has the hand of God shortened  to where He cannot save? Has He grown too old? Has the blood of Jesus become  too weak, or is there no more left of it for helpless sinners? Has the Holy  Spirit’s power fizzled out and can no longer give newness of life from  the Father? Does heaven wrought salvation still exist? Have we become so  ignorant of God, Jesus, and Holy Spirit that we have collapsed into feeble  unbelief?

Caleb expressed the power of belief – “Let  us go up at once, and possess  it;” When? At once! If God commands His servants to a  duty, will He not also empower them to do it, and will He not also go before  them that they can achieve it? Has God only left a command but neglected to  leave the Spirit with power? The absence of faith results in soldiers on the  pews of “do nothing” singing “I shall not be move”, and  “How dare you to try it, for the outside world is ‘stronger than  we’!” They suffer countless defeats rather than enjoy endless  victories. Caleb’s belief prospered in the “Can Do!” spirit  while the naysayers stumbled amid the “I Can’t!” spirit.

Jesus said: “If thou canst believe, all things  are possible to him that believeth.” To which the father cried out with  tears: “Lord, I believe; help thou mine unbelief.” (Mk. 9:23, 24)  Is it not time for the churches of the Lord to do likewise? Dare we remain in  unbelief?

God is  present in His power, and by faith we can do all things He has commanded of  us! Believest thou this? We have not because we ask not! The power to  overcome the world is no further than the heart of faith that activates it.  In belief we are well equipped to overcome. But, who will cry out with tears  to overcome the world?

By Dr. M. J. Seymour, Sr.

For Our Weekly  Meditation:

The  Reach Of Almighty Grace
"It shall  come to pass, that in the place where it was said unto them, Ye are not my people,  there it shall be said unto them, Ye are the sons of the living God"  Hosea 1:10

Sovereign grace can make strangers into sons, and  the Lord here declares His purpose to deal thus with rebels, and make them  know what He has done. Beloved reader, the Lord has done this in my case; has  He done the like for you? Then let us join hands and hearts in praising His  adorable name.

Some of us were so decidedly ungodly that the Lord's  Word most truly said to our conscience and heart, "Ye are not my  people." In the house of God, and in our own homes, when we read the  Bible, this was the voice of God's Spirit in our soul, "Ye are not my  people." Truly a sad condemning voice it was. But now, in the same  places, from the same ministry and Scripture, we hear a voice, which saith,  "Ye are the sons of the living God." Can we be grateful enough for  this? Is it not wonderful? Does it not give us hope for others? Who is beyond  the reach of almighty grace? How can we despair of any, since the Lord has  wrought so marvelous a change in us?

He who has kept this one great promise will keep  every other; wherefore, let us go forward with songs of adoration and  confidence.

By Charles Spurgeon from his  "Faith's Checkbook" series.


Don’t forget the Bible Conference is set for  next weekend September14 and 15 Friday night will be 6:00 – 8:00 and  Saturday from 9:00 – 3:30 We have four Brethren that will speak: Pastor  Jose Serrano, Pastor Larry Wilson, Pastor David O’Neal, and Brother  Steve McCool,  Our Pastor may also speak but that is still undetermined.   Please  pray for this event. It will be Wendy’s on Friday Night and Golden  Coral on Saturday at noon. The speakers have rooms set up at the Ramada Inn  on Stateline. For those who cannot join u; all sermons will be uploaded to  our churches web site ASAP. 

Happy Birthday:

Nathan Fails – Tuesday September 11

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