Monday, 1 August 2011

To King's Addition Baptist Church, and Supporters of Canadian Missions,

Dear Brethren,

The details of the events of the last two months are far too numerous to relate in this report, so I will attempt to give an overview, and fill in the details by personal contact, or in ensuing reports.

As I write this report, I am in California, packing up possessions and readying my family to make the move to Canada permanently, with just a few 'loose ends' to take care of before we leave.

Yes, that's right, PERMANENTLY!

The 'bottom line' is this, that after more than two years of struggles with the Canadian government, we have been granted a 'Positive LMO', which allows us a twelve month work permit.

The meaning of this is best explained with an extract from a communique from our lawyers:

Hi Gordon!

The 12 month work permit period will begin once you obtain a work permit at the border.

Also, Yes - you will be able to begin the process for Permanent Residency in Canada once you have worked in Canada for 6 months. Once you are in Canada, I will send you the forms to begin that process!

In essence, this means that the struggles with the paperwork are at an end, perse'. That is, that we still have to follow the protocol of applying for the work permit at the border, which, with the LMO, is a 'given', and then the process of applying for 'Landed Immigrant Status', none of which would have been possible without the LMO (Labour Market Opinion).

I ask for patience from those that have so faithfully supported us and the work through the trying times of the last several years, knowing this, that the Lord has answered our prayers in His way, and in His timing.

I pray that any doubts that anyone may have had during this time have been assuaged permanently. I know this, that when we return to Fort Smith, it will be with a renewed confidence, and the knowledge that we have, without doubt, a clear mandate from God to continue the work to which He has called us to.

While there is a certain sense of urgency to return to Fort Smith as soon as possible, I am quietly confident in being in God's will on a daily basis, and making our way back there with the peace of God that surpasses all understanding.

The work in Fort Smith itself has been strengthened by the Lord in so may ways since my arrival there in December 2010, not the least of which has been the baptisms of the past few months (five in all), the last two of which I performed the day before I left for California, and they were, Cheyeanne and Samantha Paulette. Please pray for this precious young family, so faithful and eager to serve the Lord as part of His body.

I apologise for not attending to this report sooner, but it has all been a bit of a blurr, and quite frankly, I have been a bit overwhelmed with all the answered prayers, and the logistics of making our 'final' move to where the Lord has planned for us to be, all along.

I am truly humbled to reflect on how the Lord has used us, and worked in our lives to bring His will to pass. ALL THINGS do indeed work for good (Rom. 8:28).

At this time I feel like the Lord has dropped me back, just behind the 'frontlines', to regroup and refresh for the battles ahead, but with a renewed vigour and resolve to carry out the Great Commission that He has given us.

I am thankful that He has seen fit to give me a faithful, loving, and obedient flock to be the undershepherd of, and to know that we are all looking forward to the work that the Lord has laid out for us, knowing that His hand is upon us as a body.

We are thankful for the support that we receive from those that have remained faithful to the work in Canada, and we are especially thankful to those that have given special offerings to help toward the costs of our move, which are substantial.

There are those that have made contributions so that we are able to make our move to Canada debt free, personally, and what a tremendous blessing that is. It hasn't been easy with not having had health insurance for one thing, and the logistics of us having been living apart for the past six months or so hasn't been easy as well.

Even at this 'late' stage the Lord continues to provide, as we have picked up support from another church, Citrus Missionary Baptist Church of Inverness, Florida, with Pastor Troy Sheppard and the loving brethren there. Thank you all who continue to support us so faithfully, and we pray the Lord's blessings upon you, and know and appreciate that you have a part in a tremendous work of the Lord.

Please continue to pray for us and the work in Canada, and please make contact with us when you can. I am so thankful for those that kept in constant contact with me during my, sometimes extremely lonely times, in the past six months.

I pray that this report has helped in letting you know where we are at in the work at this stage, but if you have any questions, please contact US.

In His Will and Service

Gordon Wiegold

Canadian Missions

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