Friday, 22 July 2011

The worthless sinner's place!

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(James Smith, "The Wise Choice!")

"Mary has chosen that good part, which shall not be taken away from her!" Luke 10:42

We often manifest our folly in our choices--but Mary displayed her wisdom. She chose to sit at the feet of Jesus as a humble learner--she . . .
loved His person,
admired His preaching,
desired to learn His doctrine,
and above all to imbibe His spirit.
Her object was communion with Him--in which we become conformed unto His image. In her choice she revealed . . .
great spirituality of mind;
true wisdom and discernment;
attachment to her Lord and His doctrine;
deadness to the world and its vain formalities;
a concern for the present welfare of her own soul;
and a willingness to renounce all for Jesus.

Happy Mary! Honorable woman! May you be my pattern! Your choice was wise; your part was a worthy portion; and your example is held up for our imitation!

At the feet of Jesus we are safe--no enemy can overcome us there!
At the feet of Jesus we are holy--no sin can gain dominion there!
At the feet of Jesus we are happy--no trouble can be too much for us there!

My soul, choose Mary's place--and Mary's portion.
There is a place at the feet of Jesus for you!
Your sin is no obstacle in the way--for Jesus will pardon that!
Your unworthiness is no barrier--for it is the worthless sinner's place!

Oh, take your place at His feet now!
Listen to His sweet voice,
receive His holy doctrines,
taste His precious love,
rest your soul on His atoning blood--
and Heaven will immediately begin in your soul!

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