Tuesday, 22 June 2010

Paul's estimate of himself

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(James Smith, "The Pastor's Morning Visit")

"I am nothing!" 2 Corinthians 12:11

This was Paul's estimate of himself: "less than the least of all saints," and "the chief of sinners."

The more we know of ourselves and of Jesus--
the more shall we be humbled in the dust before Him;
and the lower we lie before Him,
and the happier and holier we shall be.

Sinful MAN
will, MUST be something--this is both his pride and his misery.
The Christian is willing to be nothing--that Christ may be all in all.

If we daily felt that we are nothing
--how many mortifications we would be spared; what admiring views of the grace of God would fill and sanctify our souls!

Apart from Christ--we are less than nothing; but in Christ--we are something!

We are empty--but He fills us!

We are naked--but He clothes us!

We are helpless--but He strengthens us!

We are lost--but He finds us!

We are ruined--but He saves us!

We are poor--but He supplies us!

All that we are--is by Christ!

All that we have--is from Christ!

All that all we shall be--is through Christ!

Christian, you are nothing! Therefore beware of thinking too highly of yourself; or imagining that you deserve more than you receive--either from God or men.

Humble souls are soon satisfied.

O could I lose myself in Thee,
Your depth of mercy prove,
O vast unfathomable sea
Of unexhausted love!
I loathe myself when God I see,
Content if Christ exalted be!

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